Cockpit Starter Project

Hello and thanks for your efforts (Artur, Paulo and Raffael).

I made a simple demo with some useful information for beginners, check it out cockpit-blog repo if you are interested.

Have a nice Year,

Hi Raruto and congratulations on your work. I’m Sebastian from Italy :slight_smile:
I’m not a good programmer, I develop some site with wordpress. I’d like to learn more about cockpit.
Starting from the base of your blog, how could I integrate an index page which, for example, collects the latest blog articles?
Would you give me some links where to read up? What steps should i take?
Thank you very much if you wanted to help me and Merry Christmas!

Hi sebastian,
this demo template should do exactly what you want (ie. listing blog posts).

If the current version seems too complicated, you can start by taking a look at the branch v1 (in that branch the index.php file should contain the whole application logic).

For the rest just read the readme file carefully.

Have a nice day,