But sadly, this page does not exist any more. I reckon it would have given me some much needed information on how to approach cockpit.
Being a sysadmin and not a webdev, thus with only limited experience on CMS and none on headless CMS, for cockpit in particular I could not find any tutorials, best practices or even examples on getcockpit or the i-net.
My Question:
Is the tutorial mentioned above or any other example or best practice available?
A big appreciation from my side if you know any source of information for a beginner in cockpit.
You are right @Rozkalns, but as you can understand cockpit is mostly one man job (@artur), I strongly believe the way to go is the people that is using it start to contribute, and documentation seems a good starting point. Your suggestion (demo) is also very interesting, it could be just a repo (no frontend and docker based), providing cockpit with a typical website scenario (pre defined collections, layout components, etc…) and information about all rest endpoints.