Welcome to the new Cockpit Community Forum

Welcome to the new Cockpit Community Forum. Feel free to ask any questions you wish here, but also try searching first because the question has probably already been asked before!

Use this forum to:

  • Find out about Cockpit
  • Get Help installing Cockpit
  • Questions about implementing and customizing Cockpit

And don’t forget to be nice :wink:


its nice to have a dedicated forum, google groups were a mess. One more thing, i love cockpit, its awesome


so the google group is not to use anymore? This one here replaces the google group for cockpit? (I absolutely agree with appsdevpk)

I wasn’t even aware of a Google groups for Cockpit, but I’m liking this Discourse thing.

First day(s) of experimenting with Cockpit.

So far al the obvious things where very straight forward. The more advanced stuff concerning deployments etc aren’t that extensively documented though, but those things take time.

Very nice to see a Discourse ‘forum’ for this. Might be a great place to start extending the Documentation. :+1:

First question after installing: how to serve several projects from one installation? I mean having several clients/customers, do I have to install cockpit for each client?
Or, with only an installation, create all collections I need for all my customers and let the the cms client app pull data as it requires?
Or work with different Groups/accounts to isolate customers (using Group addon, or backing up/restoring customer data using another addon?).
I notice that Demo from Paulo Gomes, uses for his example config and storage.zip files; howto load different files for different customers?

Ref last paragraph of my last post: seems that I have the answer from Demo cockpit install.sh
Now I have to find how to switch to another example: backup current example (files config, storage.zip) and clean these (HOWTO?) before loading another example

If you want to have many customers it’s better a cockpit instance per customer, in theory, it would be possible to isolate the collections (based on the permissions) but think could be messy. Also, the requirements for cockpit in terms of server resources are very low.

Hi there !
I love Discourse as well and will give Cockpit a try. Greetings from France :fr: :wave: