Multi Language dont work

Hi to all Cockpit users,
I have the task of adding different localizations to the website (Cockpit version 2), but I am unable to output the language field to the URL (/page/getSingleton?name=Career&locale=en), even though I believe I’m doing everything correctly.

In the admin, I have added the language and enabled it for the singleton field, but the field doesn’t display in the output.

I also tried editing the config.php file with the following entry:

return [
‘languages’ => [
‘default’ => ‘Czech’, #setting a default language is optional
‘en’ => ‘English’

Can anyone advise me on what I might be doing wrong?
Many thanks to everyone!

what are the locale settings for en? Can you provide a screenshot of the locale settings for en?

Hi arthur, thank you very much for your response. After your question I came to the solution. We must be correctly added languages ​​in locale settings and mirror defined in the config.php file. I am adding the prnscr, but no advice is needed. The thread will hopefully help someone who will configure languages.

Thank you Artur.

i18n needs to be en and name should be English