Hosting on uberspace (root dir) throws 404

I set up an uberspace and uploaded Cockpit to /home/my-user/html. I was able to run successfully but when I now navigate to, I get redirected to which throws an 404 Not Found.

I read the older post about hosting Cockpit in a subdirectory but don’t think this applies to me as I placed it in the HTML root.

Any ideas what’s missing here? Probably some Apache or PHP config? Unfortunately, I’m not very famiiar with either, so help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Did you make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled for apache?

I did not change any configuration in uberspace yet. How do I do that?

I created a .htaccess file in /html and tried both RewriteBase / as stated in their docs and RewriteEngine on as stated in your link but no success - still a 404.

I would suggest that you contact their support then

Resolved. There was a problem transmitting the bundled .htaccess file from the Cockpit release to uberspace. Thank you!