New addon: DashboardGrid

If you have too many widgets on your dashboard or if you want to hide some of them, this addon might be useful.

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how can i uninstall this addon?


Important: If you don’t want to use this addon anymore, you have to move all widgets to one of the core areas before you remove it (or you have to delete the options in the cockpit/options table manually). Otherwise Cockpit will throw a fatal error, because it tries to call a function on a non-existent object in the dashboard function.

After moving all dashboard items for all users to one of the core areas (main, aside-left, aside-right), you can delete the addon folder or deactivate it via config file modules.disabled: ['DashboardGrid'].

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how can i disable the calendar module?

how can i disable the calendar module?

Just put ‘modules.disabled’ => [‘Calendar’], inside config.php

The calendar is no module, it’s a dashboard widget. You can use my rljUtils addon or copy the snippet to your config/bootstrap.php to disable the Calendar widget.

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