Customize Wysiwyg

I’m trying to understand how I can customize the wysiwyg-field toolbar.
I’ve looked and tried what’s in the old documentation but I don’t know if it is the same.

Anyways I’ve tried a bunch of different ways of writing the code for the “options” field in the setting and none of it works…so it seems like I’m doing something wrong…

Could someone show a snippet in here I would be really grateful!

Cheers, niklas

In the field options, you can use the tinymce property to override tinymce specific default options:

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Oh thank you!
Such a fast answer!! :slight_smile:


is there a way to apply options globally on one place?

Apologies for the dumb question (could not find an answer anywhere yet): how do I enable TinyMCE editor?

Or, if this is it, how to I add more options to the ribon? ie: blockquote, superscript, subscript, etc?

Thank you!

Ok, so I finally found the information I was missing. A more thorough reading of the documentation would have avoided my dumb question :joy: :sweat_smile:

Turns out adding some configuration to the options tab of the Wysiwyg field will do the trick:

There are some examples here: Full featured demo: Including Premium Plugins | TinyMCE Documentation
