With the update to 2.6.0 my API stopped working?

Hi @artur, congrats with another milestone for cockpit!
I just updated mine via tower.

With this update i noticed that i can’t get any data from the API.

I have a pagesModel with only a title field. this pagesModel has got one record: “test” and is published.
CleanShot 2023-06-24 at 08.22.17

I must have set one of the permissions wrong. Can you help me figure this one out?
(I will leave the cockpit-core installation online to check the permissions if needed. username and password are standard.)

Thanks for reporting! I just released v2.6.1 with a fix for that!

I can confirm this is working!
thank you for your quick reply :slight_smile:

(btw, i deleted my instance shown in the gif :sweat_smile: )