Problem with upload image

Hi, i try to install Cockpit on Windows Wamp and i’ve a problem with image upload.
The problem is in the url:
The correct url for generate the thumb does not include localhost.
Where is the setting for remove localhost:8080/ ?
Thank’s a lot

I’m afraid you can’t set this directly in Cockpit. However, you can achieve this really easyly with JS.

function removeHost(url) {
  let urlObj = new URL(url);
  return urlObj.pathname;

let address = removeHost('http://localhost:8080/cp/cockpit/utils/thumb_url?src=http://localhost:8080/C:/wamp64/www\logo_gaia_email.png&w=undefined&h=160&m=bestFit&re=1');

address will than be /cp/cockpit/utils/thumb_url

If you need to keep the URL parameters in your url, use this function instead:

function removeHost(url) {
  let urlObj = new URL(url);
  let res = urlObj.href.replace(urlObj.origin, '');
  return res;

let address = removeHost('http://localhost:8080/cp/cockpit/utils/thumb_url?src=http://localhost:8080/C:/wamp64/www\logo_gaia_email.png&w=undefined&h=160&m=bestFit&re=1');

In that case, address will be /cp/cockpit/utils/thumb_url?src=http://localhost:8080/C:/wamp64/wwwlogo_gaia_email.png&w=undefined&h=160&m=bestFit&re=1
