Assets thumbnail

Dear Master,
I am trying the new version of Cockpit CMS on localhost (WSL/Debian).
Content and API are working fine. However, Assets is not showing thumbnails when I upload images to it. I checked the PHP extensions, and everything seems to be installed. Unfortunately, there are no errors in the log files. So I am in the dark.

Is there anything I missed? Please help.

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Have you checked the asset database to verify that Cockpit is storing the files and remembering that they exist?

the files were uploaded, but the database is empty. the thumbs folder is also empty.

I seem to have the same problem.
Using Cockpit Pro 2.9.1. with mongolite on an Ubuntu Server.

The Thumbnails of the uploaded assets/images are not showing.
The first image is showing the preloader of the asset-thumbnails. At first it looks like it’s loading the thumbnails, but then resolves in an unknown image.

I’m also getting an error in the console for every image:

GET: https://**myurl**/storage/tmp/thumbs/5a731f024b1a9b240b1336890da22491_70_bestFit.webp 403 (Forbidden)

Clicking on the image to open the image in large format works and the picture is also shown.

Seems to be a problem with the .webp thumbnails.

Yes, me too.
I tried the latest version v2.9.3 on my hosting and it has the same problem. so I switch to v2.8.3.

But on my local computer (localhost), I still have no clue.
The problem still exists.
I could not see the thumbnail after uploading an image.

Same here. Clean installation on a CloudWays server with Cockpit Pro version: 2.9.4

Image uploads work, direct url to image works as well.

Except the thumbnail is not working and giving a 403 error on storage/tmp/thumbs/...webp

This is a permissions issue on the filesystem, at least regarding the 403 Error. The storage and temporary folder have the correct permissions set. The “thumb” folder lacks the necessary execution permissions. The “thumb” folder and all existing images had to be set to 0755. This can be done via SSH, FTP, or a web interface provided by your hosting provider.

I hope this helps.

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