Installation: Too many redirects

I’m not 100% sure, but I think COCKPIT_SITE_DIR should point to /htdocs/cms, too. I only had one Cockpit project on a strato host and I used cockpit in a subdirecotry without a sub domain. So worked with just defining

// strato environment, root is in subdir, but domain points to root/subdir
// cockpit is in root/subdir/cockpit
if (!defined('COCKPIT_BASE_URL'))   define('COCKPIT_BASE_URL', '/' . basename(__DIR__));
if (!defined('COCKPIT_DOCS_ROOT'))  define('COCKPIT_DOCS_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__));

Maybe you have to set RewriteBase / in .htaccess, too.

See also this thread

Oh, and if you are forced to use strato, don’t forget to add a .htaccess file in your public root directory that denies all or redirects to your main domain. Otherwise exposes all files above /htdocs - and you made your customer id public in your screenshot.

Cockpit should work fine without https, but in general it is a big issue :wink: