April 17, 2019, 11:43am
I am adding Urls with Title and Description of a website.
In future, I will add more links to Collections(entries). but I am facing issues with duplicate entries!
how to get rid of it? and in future when I add more entries, is it possible that when I change the Description and import so it will update and don’t create duplicate values?
April 19, 2019, 1:11pm
you can throw an error before saving:
(snippet should be located in config/bootstrap.php
$app->on('', function($name, $entry, $isUpdate) {
$fields = ['title', 'description'];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (!isset($entry[$field]) || !$entry[$field]) continue;
$filter = [];
$filter[$field] = $entry[$field];
if ($isUpdate && isset($entry['_id'])) {
$filter['_id'] = ['$not' => $entry['_id']];
$check = $this->module('collections')->findOne($name, $filter);
if ($check) {
$this->stop(['error' => "{$field} must be unique"], 412);
Replace MyCollection
with your collection name
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Thanks @artur , that can be quite useful, I added it as a configurable option in the helpers addon -
Btw, the $not seems not to work with the mongodb driver, it expects a regex! I used the below:
if ($this->app->storage->type === 'mongodb') {
$filter['_id'] = ['$ne' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId($entry['_id'])];
else {
$filter['_id'] = ['$not' => $entry['_id']];
but would be better to avoid the verification of the storage type, any ideas?
But that approach causes another issue as it will make impossible to use the duplicate feature…