Create user via rest api

How to create user via rest api and authenticate them ?

Create a file: cockpit/config/api/user/register.php

        $uname = $this->param('name');
        $username = $this->param('username');
        $email = $this->param('email');
        $password = $this->param('password');
        $role = $this->param('role');
        $created= time();

 $app = Cockpit::instance();
   $checkuser = $app->dataStorage->findOne('system/users', ['user' => $username]);
   $checkemail = $app->dataStorage->findOne('system/users', ['user' => $email]);

        if (!$checkuser  && !$checkemail) {
              $user = [
         'active' => true,   
        'name' => $uname,
        'user' => $username,
        'email' => $email,
        'password' => $app->hash('$password'),
        'i18n' => 'en',
        'role' => $role,
        'theme' => 'auto',
        '_modified' => $created,
        '_created' => $created
     $app->dataStorage->save('system/users', $user);
            return [
    'status' => 'success'];   
              if($checkuser){return $this->stop(['error' => 'username already exist'], 412);}
              if($checkemail){return $this->stop(['error' => 'email already exist'], 412);}


Now from your app use curl to send relevant user registration data to route cockpit/api/user/auth

Tweak the above code as per as your convenience. I hope it helps. Cheers

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works for me … thanks

Through this method password is not created! After account creation user can not login.

add the code to create an endpoint to create users in version 2

        'POST' => function($params, $app) {
            $name = $app->param('name');
            $username = $app->param('username');
            $email = $app->param('email');
            $password = $app->param('password');
            $created = time();

            // Validar si el email tiene el formato correcto
            if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                return "El formato del email no es válido";

             // Validar si el campo username está vacío
            if (empty($username)) {
                return "El campo username no puede estar vacío";

            // Verificar si el usuario o el email ya existen
            $checkuser = $this->dataStorage->findOne('system/users', ['user' => $username]);
            $checkemail = $this->dataStorage->findOne('system/users', ['email' => $email]);

            if ($checkuser || $checkemail) {
                return "Usuario o email ya existen";

            //crear datos de usuario
            $user = [
                'active' => true,
                'name' => $name,
                'user' => $username,
                'email' => $email,
                'password' => $app->hash($password),
                'i18n' => 'es',
                'role' => 'admin',
                'theme' => 'auto',
                '_modified' => $created,
                '_created' => $created

            // Guardar el usuario y obtener el ID
            $userId = $this->dataStorage->save('system/users', $user);

            if ($userId) {
                return array("message" => "Usuario creado con éxito." , "id"=> $userId);
            } else {
                return "Hubo un error al crear el usuario";