Where to create user groups?

If you search the source for ->hasaccess you can find all kind of checks for specific resource access checks.

The group config matches the following pattern


and (most of) the hasaccess methods follow that pattern:

    'hasaccess' => function($resource, $action, $group = null) {

Resources : Actions

This is what I was able to extract from the source code:

  • cockpit: accounts, backend, unlockresources, finder, settings, rest, webhooks, info
  • collections: delete, create, manage
  • forms: manage, create
  • singletons: delete, create, manage
  • SINGLETON_NAME: edit, form
  • COLLECTION_NAME: entries_delete, entries_view, entries_create (collection_create) , entries_edit (collection_edit)


Also searching for getGroupVar( the following variables can be extracted

  • var : default
  • media.path : ‘/’
  • finder.path : ‘’
  • allowed_uploads : ‘*’
  • finder.allowed_uploads : allowed_uploads
  • assets.allowed_uploads : allowed_uploads
  • max_upload_size : 0
  • assets.max_upload_size : max_upload_size