Restrict assets file type when uploading via API

It seems Cockpit allow all file types by default when uploading via “/api/cockpit/addAssets”.

Is there any proper way to just allow uploading image only ( png, gif, jpg, jpeg )?

I found out the way to restrict without modifying cockpit code.

I use the below codes as an addon.



 * Secure Uploading Assets
 * Only allow image type (png,jpeg,jpg,gif)

function validateImageType(){

        $files = $_FILES['files'];

        foreach($files['tmp_name'] as $key => $file){

            $info = getimagesize($file);

            if ($info === FALSE || ($info[2] !== IMAGETYPE_GIF) && ($info[2] !== IMAGETYPE_JPEG) && ($info[2] !== IMAGETYPE_PNG)) {

                die('Please only upload image file, thanks.');




    $app->on('', function($routes) {
        if($this['route'] == '/api/cockpit/addAssets'){

You can also set allowed file extensions via /path/to/cockpit/config/config.php:

return [

    // restrict allowed file extensions for assets

    // for  all users
    'allowed_uploads' => 'jpg, jpeg, png, gif',

    // for groups
    'groups' => [
        'author' => [
            '$vars' => [
                'assets.allowed_uploads' => 'jpg, jpeg, png, gif'

see also:

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Thanks @raffaelj , this method is way more elegant than mine.