Not receiving email from form

I have a form, which seems to be working fine, I can see the entries in the cms. However, I don’t get any emails even tho the option is checked. Any idea what that can be about? This is what the support at our hosting is saying:

I have checked for you and found that emails has been sent properly from server
It seems that there is some issue at application end with authentication issue
It seems that there is no issue at server level, We suggest you to go for the plugins and authenticate it at application level.

But the front-end seems to be working since the entries are being posted to cockpit?

Can anyone help me? Bump.

Did you configure your SMTP options? If not:

You have to add a mail address in your form settings to receive mails and you have to setup your SMTP configuration in config/config.yaml, too. Otherwise Cockpit doesn’t know, how to send mails.

Adjust the settings to your needs.

# use smtp to send emails
    from      :
    from_name : MyApp
    transport : smtp
    host      :
    user      : fancy-username
    password  : SuperSavePassword
    port      : 587
    auth      : true
    encryption: starttls
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that works:) thank u!

However, message is empty and no subject, do u know how I can get the entry data to be sent as the message? And how to set a subject.

The subject is empty because of a small bug. I fixed it here, but it’s a test repo. The forms need a better option to pass mailer options.

The default is, that all entries are sent via mail. They should be there. But you can define a html template in config/forms/emails/formname.php to create a nice looking message.

Did you use the right format for the form data? It should be something like {"form":{"name":"rj","message":"test"}}.