Nested queries and importing data


I’ve got questions about Cockpit. In previous versions there was option for import data in gui but now I don’t see this. How can I migrate data between Cockpit instances?

Second one is nested queries. I’ve created connection link that is connect to field in a other collection but I can’t get to data by any query. I found out to use mongodb as a database, but it has no effect.

Tkank you for your help.

Import from CSV/JSON isn’t available in v2 (yet). There is no auto migration of to v2, you have to write your own migration script.

Regarding your second question: Did you try the populate parameter when querying the content api?


Sorry for the lack of response, I was on vacation. Thank you for your replies, I’ll check propagate parameter and give feedback.

I also have another question. The following query returns the default values for the selected fields, but querying without the selected fields returns the entire collection in the correct language. Is there something wrong with this query?
