Get list of unpublished items through API

Thanks, Artur! I got it working now. The endpoint shows up in the GUI (not necessary, but I like it) and it returns all results I want. Thanks a lot for your help, this inspires me to learn more.

For anyone interested, in my case I made the following file: config/api/content/allitems/[...all].get.php

And this is the code I put in there (mind you, pretty much everything was copied from /modules/Content/api.php):


 * @OA\Tag(
 *   name="content",
 *   description="Content module",
 * )
$this->on('restApi.config', function($restApi) {

	 * @OA\Get(
	 *     path="/content/allitems/{model}",
	 *     tags={"content"},
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Model name",
	 *         in="path",
	 *         name="model",
	 *         required=true,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="string")
	 *     ),
	 *    @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Return content for specified locale",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="locale",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="String")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Url encoded filter json",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="filter",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="json")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Url encoded sort json",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="sort",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="json")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Url encoded fields projection as json",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="fields",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="json")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Max amount of items to return",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="limit",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="int")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Amount of items to skip",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="skip",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="int")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Parameter(
	 *         description="Populate items with linked content items.",
	 *         in="query",
	 *         name="populate",
	 *         required=false,
	 *         @OA\Schema(type="int")
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\OpenApi(
	 *         security={
	 *             {"api_key": {}}
	 *         }
	 *     ),
	 *     @OA\Response(response="200", description="Get list of published model items"),
	 *     @OA\Response(response="401", description="Unauthorized"),
	 *     @OA\Response(response="404", description="Model not found")
	 * )

$app = $this;
$model = $API_ARGS[0];

// Check if model exists
if (!$app->module('content')->model($model)) {
	$app->response->status = 404;
	return ["error" => "Model <{$model}> not found"];

// Check if user has access to the model
if (!$app->helper('acl')->isAllowed("content/{$model}/read", $app->helper('auth')->getUser('role'))) {
	$app->response->status = 403;
	return ['error' => 'Permission denied'];

$options = [];
$process = ['locale' => $app->param('locale', 'default')];

$limit = $app->param('limit:int', null);
$skip = $app->param('skip:int', null);
$populate = $app->param('populate:int', null);
$filter = $app->param('filter:string', null);
$sort = $app->param('sort:string', null);
$fields = $app->param('fields:string', null);

if (!is_null($filter)) $options['filter'] = $filter;
if (!is_null($sort)) $options['sort'] = $sort;
if (!is_null($fields)) $options['fields'] = $fields;
if (!is_null($limit)) $options['limit'] = $limit;
if (!is_null($skip)) $options['skip'] = $skip;

foreach (['filter', 'fields', 'sort'] as $prop) {
	if (isset($options[$prop])) {
		try {
			$options[$prop] = json5_decode($options[$prop], true);
		} catch(\Throwable $e) {
			$app->response->status = 400;
			return ['error' => "<{$prop}> is not valid json"];

if ($populate) {
	$process['populate'] = $populate;

if (!isset($options['filter']) || !is_array($options['filter'])) {
	$options['filter'] = [];

// If the model doesn't allow to show unpublished (state=0) entries, force state=1
$modelProperties = $app->module('content')->model($model);
if ($modelProperties["meta"]["showUnpublished"] !== true) {    
	$options['filter']['_state'] = 1;

$items = $app->module('content')->items($model, $options, $process);

if (isset($options['skip'], $options['limit'])) {
	return [
		'data' => $items,
		'meta' => [
			'total' => $app->module('content')->count($model, $options['filter'] ?? [])

if (count($items)) {
	$app->trigger('content.api.items', [&$items, $model]);

return $items;

In most cases, you don’t want all collections to display unpublished entries, especially if your API is public. So, for the collections you want unpublished items to show up, make sure to put the following in ‘meta’:

  showUnpublished: true,

If this information is not present, it’ll act exactly the same as /api/content/items/{model}, where the filter “_state=1” (published entries only) is forced.